

Kyla Jo Photography is a Muncie, Indiana Portrait Photographer capturing newborn, family, wedding, senior, milestone, pet, and engagement photos.

Custom Line Drawings, During Covid-19 Isolation

Since I can not currently photograph my clients, I found another way to use my creativity to give back to my clients during this time and make a living (yay for having so many interests)!
I am creating line drawings from your favorite photos. I have lots of i-phone photographs that are not great quality of Cory and I, and I used one to create a piece to hang in our bedroom. This was a great way to savor that photo, that just was not quite good enough to hang on my wall.
I also have been creating pieces for others from their favorite professional photo they had taken from either me or another photographer. Here are some samples of my recent work I have created in the past week. If you are interested in having one done, here are all of the details and how to order one:
For a single person it’s $10, a couple it’s $15 and for up to 4 people it’s $20.
You just send me the photo, the color you would want the background, and your email for me to send the drawing to.
You can pay through Venmo, when you send me the information and once you pay I will start working on your portraits.
If you want the background color to be pulled from your photo just let me know which color you want (ex: like from your shirt).
It is best to include a photo that has some specific details, since these are faceless portraits. (ex: a hat, more than just your face, or a fun pattern)

My Venmo is @kylajotighe

My email is
The current wait time for the drawings are just under a week.

Thank you so much, for your support during this time!